Pirates Privacy Act – Girl Code
In February 2020, six of us girls decided to take a cruise for Galentine’s Day and what better way to ensure that we were all on the same “page” than to create a privacy pact, similar to girl code on a bachelorette party. But, this was a cruise so we needed a fun name, plus we love themes! So, during brunch prior to boarding, we read each code out loud, then signed our names.
This agreement dated February 13th, 2020 pertains to the Carnival Fantasy Cruise. Whereas, all attendees as named, for their mutual benefit and pursuant to an ongoing friendship, which has been or may be established, can safely assume that they are able to be their happy drunk selves on this trip and are free to drink, giggle, flirt, dance, sleep in, and any other activity in similarity that may arise, without being judged.
For a period of the rest of our lives, all named above, shall hold this agreement in trust and confidence, and not disclose to others any crazy stories that will make even one of these ladies look like any less of the strong independent women that they are. If it would cause another personal embarrassment (even if you think it should not), you are held to this agreement to not disclose said matter.
The undertakings and obligations of all attendees also agree to honor the following ~

The use of Spanx or any other undergarment to manually fit our body in to a piece of wardrobe WILL not be judged or even acknowledged. As far as we are all concerned, every single one of us come by the smooth lines naturally.
The use of Poo Pourri or whatever your room has designated, will be used EACH AND EVERY SINGLE TIME. However, as a kindness to your roommates, especially for Room M199 with four people, it is highly suggested that you go elsewhere so as not to block off the use of the bathroom for an obscene amount of time.

Do NOT record anyone out on the dance floor. If they are “called up” to a stage or any platform to perform, vide os acceptable ONLY to send directly to them upon wifi availability.
There is a strong possibility that while being in close quarters, body parts may be seen. We are all women, we’ve all seen a vajayjay, rumpshaker, and boobies before. If you need to change, change away! HOWEVER, please make every attempt to not sit on your bed, “Indian style” (criss cross apple sauce) naked as a jaybird.
If someone is stupid drunk, NO photography.
If you are the one that is stupid drunk and feel the need to puke, DO NOT expect anyone to be there for you and hold your hair back.

If Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now, happens to be on this boat and you decide to go and make a love connection, please send someone a message as to the room number (in case we need to look for your dead body).
If some stranger wants to get a bit too close and you are uncomfortable, please make it obvious that you are not happy with the attention, and we will remedy this.

Should there be a group of other women and drunk happy you thinks we should all be best friends, you are the designated friend and will be the oe to break it to them that we won’t all be making friendship bracelets and brushing each other’s hair.
You are not to take offense to anything Megan or Sheila says before coffee. In fact, please do not provoke them.
No judgement on something someone does while sleeping – teeth grinding, snoring, talking. If they begin to make sexual noises, permission to throw a pillow at them. However, it will not be mentioned the next day.
No posting on Social Media of anything even possibly embarrassing. If you think it is in bad taste, it probably is.

STAY OFF YOUR PHONE!!! this is an “Electronics Free” trip. If you have international and plan to check in when we get to Mexico, please go stare at your phone elsewhere. If you feel the need to play some downloaded game on your phone, go elsewhere.
Be respectful of people! If you are cranky, go somewhere else until you are happy. Do not bring others down.

Absolutely, NO peer pressure. If someone doesn’t want to get on stage and sing an Adele song off key in front of 100 people, do not try to force them. However, if they do have the guts to get up there, cheer them on and be proud!
If you are calling it a night earlier than the rest of the group, make sure to send a message on the cruise app or tell TWO PEOPLE before you leave, so we don’t think you are taking a swim with the sharks.

As we are trying to keeps this an “Electronic Free” trip, the messaging system in the app will not be monitored like texting. If a message is sent saying, “Where are you?” because you are wandering around looking for something to do, and there is not answer, do not be upset for someone being in vacation mode and napping by the pool.
Some people take more pictures than others. PLEASE try to remember to take candid photos of those people, also, so they don’t miss out on seeing memories.
We are all adults. Find the humor in all of the above but most of all, remember that what happens on the ship, (SAY IT OUT LOUD), stays on the ship.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the attendees have execute this Agreement as of the date first above written.
Megan, Kiki, Sheila, Bambi, Donna, and Shakira