Abyon Bluetooth Scale
Prior to menopause taking over my weight, I had just the normal scale and I would step on, make sure it was within “range” and move on about my life. Then a friend posted about this scale and I thought, “Well, how cool is that!” I’m not overly technologically savvy, but if she could figure it out, so could I. The scale syncs with an app on your phone and right there, you have a plethora of information! Honest moment – the first time I saw the bluetooth icon on my phone, I took a picture and posted on facebook asking what it was.
So, here’s the bool thing about this scale, it measures things you didn’t even know you wanted to know about!
- Weight – Obvious what that is.
- BMI – Body Mass Index
- Body Fat – Body composition fat tissue ratio
- Fat-free Body Weight – muscle, in addition to body fat, is a major component of body weight
- Subcutaneous Fat – The ratio of subcutaneous fat stored in your skin to your body weight. (Subcutaneous fat is the jiggly fat visible just under the skin)
- Visceral Fat – A type of body fat that is found around the human organs and which mainly resides in the abdominal cavity.
- Body Water – Water Weight, which includes the blood, lymph, extracellular fluid, etc.
- Skeletal Muscle – The ratio of muscle involved in the mechanical system of our limbs and other part of the body.
- Muscle Mass – The total muscle weight, including skeletal muscle, cardiac, and smooth muscle.
- Bone Mass – Bone tissue consists of bone minerals per unit volumes.
- Protein – Protein plays a vital role in the body, as it builds and maintains muscles, organs, and other tissue.
- BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate. In an inactive state, this is the minimum necessary energy needed.
- Metabolic Age – Ideal physical body age is 2/3 of the actual age.
The great thing about using a scale like this is that it gives you something to work towards and a feeling of accomplishment on little things. Of course I watch my weight number, but I also have been focusing on my body water and learning about foods that help to increase that number. Also, when I started, my metabolic age was 56 (What?!?) and now I’m down to 51.
Use a scale like this for guidance. Just remember, if you are going to take a photo while standing on the scale because you have hit a goal, the flat part does have a glare so if you’re naked…. You’ll be sharing with the world what God gave you.
Do you have one of these types of scales? What do you think of it?
Click here to check out on Amazon (no, I don’t make money off of this)